In this question, we have to match the landforms from List I with their predominant rock from List II.
Option 1:
- Landform A is Marwar upland, which is matched with quartzites, shale, and schists.
- Landform B is Bundelkhand, which is matched with sandstone, shale, and upland limestone.
- Landform C is Meghalaya upland, which is matched with granite and gneiss.
- Landform D is Maharashtra plateau, which is matched with basalt.
Therefore, Option 1 matches the landforms correctly with their respective predominant rocks, and it is the correct answer.
Option 2:
- Landform A is Marwar upland, which is incorrectly matched with sandstone, shale, and upland limestone.
- The other landforms are also mismatched with their respective predominant rocks.
Option 3:
- All landforms in this option are incorrectly matched with their respective predominant rocks.
Option 4:
- Landform B is Bundelkhand, and it is incorrectly matched with quartzites, shale, and schists.
- The other landforms are also mismatched with their respective predominant rocks.
Therefore, Option 1 is the correct answer.